Dana on a cruise in the Baltic Sea

Dana on a cruise in the Baltic Sea


04. nov 09:00 - 22. nov 2024 16:00


DTU Aqua

Dana on a cruise in the Baltic Sea

The research vessel Dana is in the Baltic Sea to collect data on fish stocks.

Dana on the BITS survey in November
Dana on BITS survey in November. Photo: DTU Aqua.

From 4-22 November 2024, the research vessel Dana is on the Baltic International Trawl Survey (BITS) in the Baltic Sea. The BITS cruises are coordinated by the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) and conducted by research institutes from countries around the Baltic Sea, including Denmark.

The cruise is conducted twice a year in Q1 and Q4. The Danish part of the cruise covers the central Baltic Sea.

What data is collected?

The main purpose of the survey is to study the status of fish stocks, with a particular focus on bentic fish species such as cod, plaice, dab and flounder. In addition, we investigate the amounts and types of marine litter. 

Depth-stratified trawls are carried out and paired with acoustic and hydrographic measurements of e.g. oxygen conditions, salinity and temperature of the sea water.

Catches are categorized by species and length. For some species, samples are also taken to determine age, sex, maturity and weight.

Evenings and nights are utilized for special purposes such as studying the presence of fish larvae, the invasive Mneiopsis jellyfish as well as our native jellyfish and plankton.

What is the data used for?

Data from the countries' cruises is collected and processed by ICES. The results are used for ICES' biological advice on the state of fish stocks in the Baltic Sea. The advice is targeted at authorities who use it as a basis for setting fishing quotas and other fishing regulations.

Data on marine litter is also gathered in an international database at ICES and used to describe trends.

Where is Dana now?


Dana is Denmark's largest research vessel and DTU Aqua's primary vessel. Dana’s home port is Hirtshals in Northern Jutland.