10. Baltic Sea Science Congress

Den 10. Baltic Sea Science Congress afholdes i Riga i Letland den 15.-19. juni 2015.


Under overskriften “Science and innovation for future of the Baltic and the European regional seas” dækker Baltic Sea Science Congress 2015 syv temaer: 

  1. Coastal seas – towards a better understanding.
  2. A healthy marine ecosystem: how to measure it?
  3. Keeping climate change in focus: ecosystem impacts, mitigation and adaptation measures.
  4. Observation, monitoring and forecasting of the Baltic Sea’s status: The new generation.
  5. Spatial marine ecology in support of ecosystem-based management.
  6. Just ice and stones? – Updates of geological research in the Baltic Sea area.
  7. A viable ecosystem for a sustainable society.

Derudover vil der være temasessioner med foredrag og et særligt program for unge forskere.


Kongressen arrangeres af Latvian Academy of Sciences and Latvian Institute of Aquatic Ecology og en række organisationer, herunder DTU Aqua. 

Vigtige datoer

  • Deadline for abstracts 15. januar 2015.
  • Programmet offentliggøres 30. marts 2015
  • Early bird-registringen slutter 20. april 2015
  • Den endelige tilmeldingsfrist er 20. maj 2015.

Kongressens hjemmeside

Få mere at vide på kongressens hjemmeside 


man 15 jun 15 -
fre 19 jun 15


Latvian Academy of Sciences and Latvian Institute of Aquatic Ecology in cooperation with BONUS, Baltic Marine Biologists, Conference of Baltic Oceanographers, Baltic Marine Geologists and the Estuarine Coastal Sciences Association


Riga, Letland