International Fisheries Observer and Monitoring Conference

International Fisheries Observer and Monitoring Conference


19. maj 09:00 - 23. maj 16:00


Reykjavík, Iceland

International Fisheries Observer and Monitoring Conference

Konferencen afholdes i Reykjavík i Island.

The quasi bricks on Harpa, Iceland
Udsnit af Harpa Koncertsal og Konferencecenter, hvor konferencen holdes.

The International Fisheries Observer and Monitoring Conference (IFOMC) har fokus på at udvikle og fremme effektive fiskeriovervågningsprogrammer i hele verden med det formål at sikre en bæredygtig forvaltning af havets ressourcer.

Den ellevte konference i rækken afholdes i Harpa Koncertsal og Konferencecenter i Reykjavík i Island den 19.-23. maj 2025.

Emnerne for konferencens sessioner er:

  1. Why observe and monitor fisheries – the importance of at-sea monitoring
  2. Law enforcement involvement in monitoring
  3. Observer safety and readiness
  4. Mental health of observers
  5. Observer’s tools of the trade
  6. (De)briefing and mentoring of observers
  7. Industry engagement with at-sea monitoring
  8. AI applications in Electronic Monitoring
  9. Implementing and managing EM programs
  10. Data management
  11. Standardization of at-sea monitoring programs
  12. Monitoring artisanal and recreational fisheries
  13. Novel applications of at-sea monitoring data.
  14. The future of at-sea monitoring

DTU Aqua deltager i konferencen med oplæg og posters. 

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