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Disparities in greenspace access during COVID-19 mobility restrictions

Lusseau, David ; Baillie, Rosie
in: Environmental Research, vol: 225

Type: Journal article (Peer reviewed)

Status: Published     |    År: 2023     |    DOI:


Economic viability of a large vessel mesopelagic fishery under ecological uncertainty

Vastenhoud, Berthe M. J. ; Bastardie, Francois ; Andersen, Ken H. ; Speirs, Douglas C. ; Nielsen, J. Rasmus
in: Frontiers in Marine Science, vol: 10

Type: Journal article (Peer reviewed)

Status: Published     |    År: 2023     |    DOI:


Effects of misreporting landings, discards, and Catch Per Unit of Effort index in state-space production models: the case of black hake in northwest Africa

Soto, Maria ; Fernandez-Peralta, Lourdes ; Grazia Pennino, Maria ; Kokkalis, Alexandros ; Rey, Javier ; Salmeron, Francisca ; Liebana, Maria ; Meissa, Beyah ; Kell, Laurie
in: ICES Journal of Marine Science, vol: 80, issue: 10, pages: 2591-2605

Type: Journal article (Peer reviewed)

Status: Published     |    År: 2023     |    DOI:


Emergent interactions in the management of multiple threats to the conservation of harbour porpoises

Lusseau, David ; Kindt-Larsen, Lotte ; van Beest, Floris M.
in: Science of the Total Environment, vol: 855

Type: Journal article (Peer reviewed)

Status: Published     |    År: 2023     |    DOI:


Environmental footprints of farmed chicken and salmon bridge the land and sea

Kuempel, Caitlin D. ; Frazier, Melanie ; Verstaen, Juliette ; Rayner, Paul-Eric ; Blanchard, Julia L. ; Cottrell, Richard S. ; Froehlich, Halley E. ; Gephart, Jessica A. ; Jacobsen, Nis Sand ; McIntyre, Peter B. ; Metian, Marc ; Moran, Daniel ; Nash, Kirsty L. ; Többen, Johannes ; Williams, David R. ; Halpern, Benjamin S.
in: Current Biology, vol: 33, issue: 5, pages: 990-997.e4

Type: Journal article (Peer reviewed)

Status: Published     |    År: 2023     |    DOI:


European coastal monitoring programmes may fail to identify impacts on benthic macrofauna caused by bottom trawling

McLaverty, Ciarán ; Eigaard, Ole R. ; Olsen, Jeppe ; Brooks, Mollie E. ; Petersen, Jens Kjerulf ; Erichsen, Anders C. ; van der Reijden, Karin ; Dinesen, Grete E.
in: Journal of Environmental Management, vol: 334

Type: Journal article (Peer reviewed)

Status: Published     |    År: 2023     |    DOI:


First Maximum Sustainable Yield advice for the Nephrops norvegicus stocks of the Northwest Iberian coast using stochastic Surplus Production model in Continuous Time (SPiCT)

González Herraiz, Isabel ; Vila, Yolanda ; Cardinale, Massimiliano ; Berg, Casper W. ; Winker, Henning ; Azevedo, Manuela ; Mildenberger, Tobias K. ; Kokkalis, Alexandros ; Vázquez Vilamea, A. Armando ; Morlán, Roberto ; Somavilla, Raquel ; Pennino, Maria Grazia
in: Frontiers in Marine Science, vol: 10

Type: Journal article (Peer reviewed)

Status: Published     |    År: 2023     |    DOI: