Tidsskriftet Dana (1980-2000)

'Dana: A Journal of Fisheries and Marine Research' var et engelsksproget peer reviewed tidsskrift om fiskeri- og havforskning, som blev udgivet fra 1980-2000. Alle artikler fra Dana findes som pdf-filer på denne side.

Vol. 2, pp. 1-50 

An interpretation of the stomach contents of fish in relation to prey abundance
Knud P. Andersen

Vol. 2, pp. 51-67 

Stability and variability in the marine ecosystem
Erik Ursin

Vol. 2, pp. 69-95 

Estimation of effective mesh sizes and their utilization in assessment
Kjartan Hoydal, Carl Jakob Rørvik and Per Sparre

Vol. 2, pp. 97-121 

Abundance of the shore crab, Carcinus maenas (L.), estimated from mark-recapture experiments
Sten Munch-Petersen, Per Sparre and Erik Hoffmann 

Vol. 4, pp. 1-17 

Lipid and protein content in Anguilla anguilla during growth and starvation
Inge Boëtius and Jan Boëtius

Vol. 4, pp. 19-39 

Repeated induction of testicular maturation and spermiation, alternating with periods of feeding and growth in silver eels, Anguilla anguilla (L.)
Jens Dollerup and Chr. M. Graver

Vol. 4, pp. 41-48 

Greenland eels, Anguilla rostrata LeSueur
Jan Boëtius

Vol. 4, pp. 49-66

On the homogeneity of the European Eel population (Anguilla anguilla)
E.F. Harding

Vol. 4, pp. 67-92

Spatial and temporal distribution of American eel larvae in relation to North Atlantic Ocean current systems
Robert C. Kieckner and James D. McCleaue

Vol. 4, pp. 93-98

Anguilla rostrata leptocephali in the Sargasso Sea during February and March 1981
Gail S. Wippelhauser, James D. McCleave and Robert C. Kleckner

Vol. 4, pp. 99-128

List of Atlantic Anguilla leptocephali: American material
Robert C. Kieckner, Gail S. Wippelhauser and James D. McCleave

Vol. 4, pp. 129-162

A re-examination of Johannes Schmidt’s Atlantic eel investigations
Jan Boëtius and E. F. Harding

Vol. 4, pp. 163-249

List of Atlantic and Mediterranean Anguilla leptocephali: Danish material up to 1966
Jan Boëtius and E.F. Harding  

Vol. 5, pp. 1-44 

Species interaction in assessment of fish stocks with special application to the North Sea
Henrik Gislason and Th. Helgason

Vol. 5, pp. 45-54

In-situ determination of target strength of herring and sprat at 38 and 120 kHz
Poul Degnbol, Hans Lassen and Karl-Johan Stæhr

Vol. 5, pp. 55-62 

A surgical method for implanting transmitters with sensors into the body cavity of cod (Gadus morhua L.)
Benedikte Hedegaard Pedersen and Niels Gerner Andersen

Vol. 5, pp. 63-80 

Stomach evacuation rates of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) estimated from stomach contents and growth rates
Erik Ursin, M. Pennington, E.B. Cohen and M.D. Grosslein

Vol. 5, pp. 81-86

Estimating the average food consumption by fish in the field from stomach contents data
Michael Pennington

Vol. 5, pp. 87-94

Some reflections on the possibility of estimating predation and digestion parameters from stomach data
Knud P. Andersen

Vol. 5, pp. 95-107

First feeding by larval herring Clupea harengus L.
Thomas Kiørboe, Peter Munk and Josianne Gatt Støttrup

Vol. 8, preface

Jørgen Møller Christensen

Vol. 8, pp. 5-16

A century of fisheries research and management
Jørgen Møller Christensen

Vol. 8, pp. 17-31

The ecological setting of North Sea fisheries
Niels Daan

Vol. 8, pp. 33-43

Fisheries research and management for the North Sea; The next hundred years
John Pope

Vol. 8, pp. 45-66

The Danish fishery into the next century
Niels Axel Nielsen

Vol. 8, pp. 69-82

The North Sea and the climate
Jan O. Backhaus

Vol. 8, pp. 83-93

Algal blooms in the North Sea: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Katherine Richardson

Vol. 8, pp. 95- 108

The chemical pollution status of the North Sea
John E. Portman

Vol. 8, pp. 109-129

Fish in the polluted North Sea
Volkert Dethlefsen 

Vol. 10, pp. 1-28 

The Baltic cod
Ole Bagge, Fritz Thurow, Erik Steffensen and Jesper Bay

Vol. 10, pp. 29-59 

Status and future of herring and sprat stocks in the Baltic Sea
Raimo Parmanne, Otto Rechlin and Bengt Sjöstrand

Vol. 10, pp. 61-85 

The Baltic salmon (Salmo salar L.): its history, present situation and future
Lars Karlsson and Östen Karlström

Vol. 10, pp. 87-104 

Hydrographic processes and changes in the Baltic Sea
Jacob Steen Møller and Ian Sehested Hansen

Vol. 10, pp. 105-129 

Top-down control in the pelagic Baltic ecosystem
Lars G. Rudstam, Gunnar Aneer and Mikael Hildén

Vol. 10, pp. 131-162 

Fish species interactions in the Baltic Sea
Henrik Sparholt

Vol. 10, pp. 163-177 

Development of Baltic cod eggs at different levels of temperature and oxygen content
Kai Wieland, Uwe Waller and Dietrich Schnack

Vol. 10, pp. 179-201 

The role of predation on early life stages of cod in the Baltic
Friedrich W. Köster and Dietrich Schnack

Vol. 10, pp. 203-234 

The effect of size-selective mortality on the size-at-age of Baltic herring
Jan E. Beyer and Hans Lassen

Vol. 11(2), pp. 65-130 

Predator foraging in patchy environments: the interrupted Poisson process (IPP) model unit
Jan E. Beyer and Bo Friis Nielsen

Vol.12, pp. 1-5

The European eel, Anguilla anguilla (L.), in Japanese waters
Jun Aoyama, Shun Watanabe, Takeshi Miyai, Seiji Sasai, Mutsumi Nishida and Katsumi Tsukamoto  

Vol.12, pp. 7-15

Eel, Anguilla anguilla (L.), in Italy: recruitment, fisheries and aquaculture
Eleonora Ciccotti, Sara Busilacchi and Stefano Cataudella

Vol.12, pp. 17-32 

Impact of yellow eel exploitation on spawner production in Lake IJsselmeer, the Netherlands
Willem Dekker

Vol.12, pp. 33-42 

Behavior and passage of silver-phase American eels, Anguilla rostrata (LeSueur), at a small hydroelectric facility
Alex Haro, Ted Castro-Santos and Jacques Boubée

Vol.12, pp. 43-57 

Size, and exploitation rate by dip net fishery, of the run of American eel, Anguilla rostrata (LeSueur), elvers in the East River, Nova Scotia
Brian M. Jessop

Vol.12, pp. 59-68 

The River Shannon silver eel fisheries: variations in commercial and experimental catch levels
T. Kieran McCarthy and Paula Cullen

Vol.12, pp. 69-70

Monitoring results for glass eel and elver 1965-1999
Christopher Moriarty

Vol.12, pp. 71-76 

Long-term survival and growth of stocked eel, Anguilla anguilla (L.), in a small eutrophic lake
Michael I. Pedersen

Vol.12, pp. 77-82 

Fishing mortality on silver eels, Anguilla anguilla (L.), in Denmark
Michael I. Pedersen and Christian Dieperink

Vol.12, pp. 83-97 

Evidence for a decline in the abundance of the American eel, Anguilla rostrata (LeSueur), in North America since the early 1980s
William A. Richkus and Kevin Whalen

'Dana: A Journal of Fisheries and Marine Research' var et engelsksproget peer reviewed tidsskrift om fiskeri- og havforskning, som Danmark Fiskeri- og Havundersøgelser og siden Danmarks Fiskeriundersøgelser udgav fra 1980-2000.

Dana indeholdt artikler inden for både grundforskning og anvendt forskning i fiskebiologi, fiskeri, oceanografi, fiskeriforvaltning og bestandsvurdering. Tidsskriftet indeholdt også artikler om matematisk modellering, marin biologi og biologisk oceanografi med relevans for fisk og fiskeri.